KH Technologies

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KH Technologies

Frequently asked questions

We have designed a collection of frequently asked questions to help so you don’t have to contact us if one of your questions are answered here.  Feel free to check us out on our social media links as well.

Multi-cloud is more cost effective than a public cloud solution and your sensitive data remains under your control.  Multi-cloud allows you to use the public-cloud for more cost effective usage and offload the costlier data intensive data to a private-cloud while seamlessly letting your users bounce between the two.

Nutanix has a tool called Cost Governance (previously Beam) that will show you how to maximize your cost savings between the two options.  Save up to 35% or more on average.

The public-cloud like AWS, Azure, and Google charge you more for data every time to move it up or down.  So heavy data intensive applications cost a fortune using a public-cloud whereas a private-cloud has just the upfront cost with a 7-month ROI.

While you can select an all Nutanix solution (hardware and software), the Nutanix products are built to be machine agnostic so you can buy Dell, HP, Lenovo, or Cisco machines and install Nutanix on them, having them function just like a Nutanix machine.

Nutanix reduces your number of hypervisors, consolidates machines into a single tier architecture, reduces the number of people needed to manage your data center, and allows for 1-click upgrades without downtime.  It can also provide a DRaaS solutions (Disaster Recovery as a Service).

Because unlike other resellers that push high margins and offer little expertise, we have highly trained experts on staff and offer more affordable pricing to our customers.  

We have highly skilled installation resources with certifications to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction and success.  We can also perform migrations if required.  For daily management, we have resident options where the resources is a FT consulting expert resource and we have a technical account managers for 1-4 days per week to manage upgrades, help tickets, and server/product health.  

As many know, VMWare was acquired by Broadcom and they are notorious for raising rates on existing customers up for renewal by as much as 200% in some cases.  They do not value loyalty and will force renewals impacting ROIs and budgets.  Our program allows you to look at Nutanix as an alternative to most of the VMWare products.  Some customers of VMWare have had enough and switch entirely to Nutanix on the hardware of choice while other enterprise customers use our estimates on Nutanix as leverage to negotiate better with VMWare/Broadcom on the renewals.  Either way if you are utilizing VMWare, it is worth the effort to explore Nutanix to either replace VMWare or have more to bargain with.  

Another consideration is that VMWare is made up of many different modules making upgrades a nightmare.  They must be followed step-by-step with downtime over a weekend impacting staff and customers.  Nutanix affords one-click upgrades without downtime and no need to do it on a weekend.  Let us show you what the benefits are.

Barracuda has an eMail threat scan tool that is read only where a customer can run it and see all their vulnerabilities in their inbox, where it came from, how critical it is, and who’s mailbox it hit.  A full report is the output to help with assessing vulnerability to Ransomware and other threats

Hybrid Cloud In A Box is a 3 server cluster pre-configured with Nutanix HW and SW designed for smaller businesses and significant cost savings with a 7 month ROI.  It includes a Cisco switch, Barracuda Firewall, Barracuda on-prem backup of 1 TB expandable to 24 TB with free hardware, free disaster recovery setup with Barracuda cloud (Azure) included, full install services up and running in just 2 days once machines are delivered, migration of up to 20 VMs or setup of new VMs, additional services hours up to 40 total per block for upgrades or any other services or training, shipping is included in lower 48 states (except HI and AK), 1 year product(s) support of all the above from various vendors and all licenses for 1 year.  We even help locate a nearby COLO if needed (COLO costs not included and taxes not included).  Can also setup DR in AWS if preferred (separate costs for AWS apply).

For larger orgs, we can customize this to 4 servers, more compute, more memory, or whatever is required to maximize your hybrid environment.  

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